
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Paul's Quilt

Hey world, long time no type!
I started a new 8-5 job so my quilting TO-DO list is ever increasing as well as my UFO pile. = ( To fulfill my need to quilt I've been buying LOTS of magazines and books. Ugh. . working sucks. LOL!

What have I been up to? After finishing Poppies I started working on my Double Delight, a Bonnie Hunter mystery (link on the side of my blog.) This has been temporarily UFOd. . but I am so close to finishing I can taste it! I have all my blocks quilted and sewn into rows along with the quilted setting triangles. All I need to do now is sew the rows together and quilt and add the borders. I'm using the QAYG method for this one because it's so big. Sneak preview of my little flower quilting.. isn't it cute?!


I was in a rut so I UFO'd Double Delight and started on my 2nd project for the STashbuster's Use-your-own-book challenge. It's a beautiful simple pattern in a 9-patch style that is perfect for 1930s repros. I am using a FQ bundle of Aunt Grace Authentics that I got for 20% off from FQ shop by typing "FACEBOOK" in the coupon code box. Pretty sweet huh? If you are on Facebook make sure to add them because they will update you on all sorts of pretty new fabrics, special quilt patterns and books, and deals.
These fabrics are GORGEOUS. JUST what I needed to cheer me up and get me out of my creative rut. Now I've got the juices flowing and sewing a little bit each day.
My step-mother, Donna had a birthday recently. We met at our favorite restaurant Deihl's in Nitro WV. They serve all home-cooked southern soul food and the restaurant is a little hidden treasure on the outskirts of town. They are also conveniently located half-way between us.
Donna's step-mother was a life-long quilter. Although most of her treasures were past on before I became a known quilter, there are still beautiful remnants of her around the house. At dinner Donna propositioned me to quilt some blocks of hers for a gift for Paul (Donna's Dad, my step-granddad) for his birthday in a couple months. She hand-pieced airplane blocks because Paul was a Pilot in the military. There are only 9 scrappy blocks and about 25 block-sized squares cut from an airplane printed fabric. Donna also gave me some red on white airplane print fabric - not sure what to do with it. She also gave me a large green sheet to use as backing. I might alter this a bit and use a high quality fabric (there's more than one way to use up some stash!)

Here's where I need your help WWW =o) I'm posting photos of the blocks, compliment fabric, and backing. I also have quickly outlined a couple layouts that I think might work. The one on point I think will be the best to suit this quilt. If I use the NON on-point layout, I will have to sew another block. I dont' know if that will compromise this project though. Also, quilting suggestions would be fabulous! I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you WWW!!