
Saturday, January 25, 2014

EZ Street Finished - "Scrappy Snow Day"

Yeah, I know, that was like, LAST year's mystery.  But again, I have a baby now so I'm a little behind! ;c)
I've named this quilt "Scrappy Snow Day"
I used ALL SCRAPS in this quilt!  I did not buy ONE SINGLE thing that was new. . I used all the stuff in my stash that had been collecting dust for years and years.  All of my UGLYYYY fabrics.   This is just to keep us warm.  I wasn't trying to make a "pretty" quilt.  I was just trying to use up some uglies.   Bonnie patterns are always a LOT of work, but so worth it!  I'm hoping this will replace my OLD bonnie quilt "Carolina Christmas" that has been used in rotation on my bed that I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!  I need to retire it  because it is falling apart.   Of course when I made THAT quilt I did NOT use an accurate seam allowance nor did I know how to free-motion quilt (which makes the seams last longer.)  Also, I didn't know the importance of using bias binding.  So. .  the edges are fraying and worn out.  I'ts been washed weekly though, for how many years?  5?  6?

 Here are all my pieces ready to sew!  I had already finished the 4-patch step!
 Here is my finished blocks and triangle pieces.
 Finished top - OH POOP!  I messed up. . oh well, I'm keeping thisquilt so I'm leaving it ;c)
 Here I am getting ready to baste - I had to push two big tables together - this was a bigggg quilt!
 basting, basting....
 anddddd DONE!
 It's a snowy day here in Milton, WV - I used my fence as a quilt model ;c) It's very windy too!

 Scrappy Backing!
 Brrrrr. . windy!
 The footprint of my husband's shoes haha
 My foot print in the deep snow drift!


  1. Your "Scrappy Snow Day" is beautiful with the blues. What a coincidence, with all the cold and snow, I pulled out my unfinished Easy Street mystery quilt. I have six more half squares to put together and then I can start joining my blocks. Unlike you, I have no excuse for being late. Hopefully, I'll be posting it on by blog soon!

  2. For not aiming for a"pretty" quilt, it sure is beautiful!

  3. It really is a beautiful quilt. Are you telling me there's a mistake there, because I sure dont see one. Don't point it out :)
