
Monday, January 5, 2015

Bridget's Baby Clothes Quilt

I just love the way this one turned out!  Bridget is a sweet local girl who let me make her a T-quilt out of her son's baby clothes.   Look at all of the adorable faux tie onesies!!!   She had such super cute little outfits and it made this quilt just perfect.   
Here are all of her items tentatively laid out before graphing.  
Here is her finished quilt!  

 I embroidered her son's name in a center block.  I picked this font randomly but I think it turned out so good - I'll definitely be using this one again!
 A peek at the back!

To order your own custom T-quilt or quilt made of baby's clothes, email me here:

click HERE for my price list 

click HERE for photos of all of my quilts. 

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love it!! Thank you so much for putting his memories into such a beautiful work of art! :)
