
Monday, January 5, 2015

"Girly"-themed Quilt for Shauna

This quilt was a gift for a dear sweet customer - She has been toying with this idea for almost a year now, and we nailed down a pattern (after much back and forth) and here is the final result!!
It was fun getting to design an applique quilt from scratch.   Of course I couldn't make it just a normal sashed applique quilt!  I made the blocks "framed" and TILTED.   (gluten for punishment I guess) But doesn't it look great??   Such fun bold colors, and just perfect.
Here are all the fabrics that we chose for this quilt.   

 Photos of the finished quilt!  

 a phtoo of the back -
 Here are some closeups of the quilting.  
 For the white areas I did my version of McTavishing. . . ORRR..  S's and Comets (because I think thats what they look like, and S stand for SHAUNA!)     Shauna is a big fan of chocolate chip cookies, and although a challenge, I found a way to include that next to her name ;c)
 I quilted straight lines in the background areas of the blocks, and I left the "frames" empty, because they poofed up and looked cute that way.   For the center black frame, I did a large half feather.  For the colored inner frame, I did a checkerboard.

The appliques incluce a female silhouette, high heel, flowy dress, pearl necklace, lipstick, perfume, purse, diamond ring, iphone, martini glass, and sunglasses.  

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