
Friday, November 6, 2009

Why oh why do I have so much trouble making a decision?!

Ask my husband, he's sick of me pulling out my whole stash and re and rearranging it. I thought of repros.. but none of mine really match so I'd have to go buy more to make it matchy. I refuse to buy fabric!! Refuse and can't afford that is. LOL
I then decided to go for wild and bright on whites. Welllll didn't really have many of those yet either. Than I decided. . OKAY. . I'll use my freshly hand-dyed fabric. Nooooo i can't cut into that!!! My hand dyes and tie dyes will have to sit on the shelf so I can look at them for at least a month before I feel I can use it. = D So last night at around 1AM I had it narrowed down to pastels and metallics.
After sleeping on the thought I decided that for this project I am going to have to use fabric that I love to keep me interested. If I make just ONE mistake there's a good chance I'll put it to the side and not finish it. I do NOT want that to happen! So I'm going with the oriental/metallics which dont' really match either but just a chance to use those in a project and get to work with them might just do the trick!!

This is nice because there's so many times I have avoided visiting my relatives because I would be seperated from my sewing machine. >: )
I can pack this up and bring it with me wherever I go. Yay.

Isn't my precious doggie SO SO adorable?!! He loves sleeping on the batting... awwww it warms his little bewwy up.


  1. Aw, what a cute dog! So happy to have a cozy place to sleep LOL!

    I love the fabrics you picked. I have to go investigate this quilt-along. Because I only have about 93 projects in progress right now !

    I invite you to join me on Fridays to show anything you've completed recently. I would love to see some of your dyed fabrics. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. I do need to post a picture of my dyed fabrics. I was waiting until I decided to use them for something. BUT, I doubt that will happen any time soon since 1- I TOO have a billion projects going on and 2- I have to sit and stare at my neatly folded fabrics before ai can cut into them.. ; ) hee hee
