
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thread Holder

Check out this awesomeness!!!

I think it's supposed to be for jewelry.. .but isn't it perfect for thread? It has space for all my new Essentials thread from Connecting Threads! I'm studying it and I think we could make one! When I get around to it, I'm going to try to make one...and of course I"ll take photos along the way and I'll try to provide a tutorial. =cDDDD

Today I re-arranged my sewing space. See where my sewing tables are? This is where the couch was before. I brought this table in from the back and it fits perfectly in that cubbyhole. The cubbyhole is perfect for all my fabric and whatnot because it's shaded from the sun. yay!

I went to my LQS WV Quilts and found this perfect Sashing Fabric for my Floribunda blocks. I'm doing QAYG (surprise surprise) and here I've marked my quilting lines for the sashing. I'md doing a half feather-type of deal. Awwwwwww Beautiful!


  1. I love your blog. I am a member of florabunda (LA1956). I actually liked your quilt design and the quilt as you go is a great idea but I don't know how to that. Do you know of any tutorial on that? I think that I will hand quilt it instead of using the sewing machine. I love applique but I am not crazy about sewing machine in general. Thanks. (

  2. I saw the pictures of your florabunda blocks on flickr and i love the colours you picked and your background. Black backgrounds scare me (have 2 cats that shed all year long and would be constantly brushing it off) but seeing how it makes the colours pop it makes me want to go out of my box and try it too. I also love the fabric you used for the flowerpot. Do you remember what it's called?

    I can't wait to see your finished florabunda and have added your blog to my favourites.

  3. Hey, thank you so much for your kind comments! The background is actually a dark mottled brown by Moda. And the flower pot fabric is by Hoffman International Fabrics and is called "Kaleidoscope style #2751"
    As I was working with the pink and blue appliques, I thought purple sashing would be perfect. BUT, could not take a photo of the sashing fabric without it looking blue. I still think the flower pot fabric looks blue, but it's not, it's purple. haha.
    I ended up getting that Jinny Beyer Plum-ish color for the sashing and I think that looks much better ; ) There are SO MANY different shades of purple.

  4. Hi Katie,
    I am just starting Erin's My Tweets Quilt, and I am really interested in your QAYG since having a hip replacement 2 months ago cannot get on floor anymore (lol). Please keep us informed (with photos) on how you are doing this. Thanks

  5. PeonyBlue - Okay, I definitely will post some more photos (I'm out of town right now) My QAYG technique is very similar to the lady who has the blog "Welsh Quilter"
    I have had several requests as to how I go about QAYG so I think a tutorial is in order very soon.
    I hope your hip surgury heals quickly, and I look forward to seeing your "My Tweets" blocks. =cD
