
Friday, March 11, 2011


Dear Heavenly Father, what an AWEsome God You are! Thank You for hearing my prayer today and everyday. Lord I thank You for all my many blessings. Thank You for my warm home and my warm bed. Thank You for my loving family and for keeping them healthy. Thank You for my husband and my dog Louie that keep me safe and bring so much joy to my life.
Thank You oh Lord for this amazing format known as the internet. With this tool we are able to keep in touch with friends and loved ones that are thousands of miles away. During these difficult times I am SO THANKFUL to have such resources. God, my blessings are too many to speak and I thank You so much!
Lord I ask that You continute to lead and guide me in a direction that will be pleasing to You. I am so humbled by what is going on across the world right now and again I thank you for hearing my prayer. Lord it is times like these that can test ones faith and I ask that You keep everyone strong. If it be in Your will Lord please let the suffering be brief for those who have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and everywhere else. God please give strength to those who have lost loved ones, give strength to those who have to rebuild their homes and lives. Please guide our hands to help where it is needed most and guide our hearts to give to those in need.
Holy God I ask these things in Jesus name, Amen


  1. Yes, we have an awesome God. This was a beautiful and heart felt prayer. When I heard the tsunami may hit CA this morning I thought of calling Terrie to check on Curtis.

    Love you.

  2. That was a beautiful prayer. It's nice you posted it.
