
Monday, October 8, 2012

Orca Bay

So lately I've been working on LOTS of Crown Royal Quilts.   Typically I can calculate to the exact centimeter how much fabric will be needed for a quilt, and I buy accordingly.   But... On this last series of Crown quilts, I shorted myself just a hair on the gold fabric.  When I went back to the store for a refill, they were OUT AND...  it has been discontinued.  This is kind of a bummer because the particular fabric is a "manly" gold.   I have looked high and low for a replacement for this "manly gold" fabric, with no luck.   Unfortunately, most yellows and golds are very "girly."  They are usually filled with flowers or other pretty, girly prints.   Thankfully, one little shop "Material Girlz" out of Florida had 6 yards left of my "manly gold."  That was enough to completely my current 3 Crown quilts plus 3 or 4 more additional crown quilts, if needed.  

But, since I had to wait on my gold fabric to come in the mail, I decided to work on my Orca Bay project a little.  I didn't think I would get it done in a week, but I worked really hard. . and I DID!  I'm going to be meeting Bonnie the first week of November in Hawk's Nest, so I wanted to be sure to finish it before then, and also before her next mystery quilt comes out.   I still am thinking about borders, but I still got quite a bit done in less than 1 week!

I didn't get a picture of my HSTs and QSTs because I have been working on those as leader-enders since last year!

The first thing I did was my strings.  Red strings were first.   Aren't strings SO addictive?!?!
 Next I worked on my blue strings. . and even though there are a few more blues than reds, I got these finished much faster!   Also, I would like to add that I used a muslin foundation, for lack of time to pull out the paper. . .but. . I don't like how thick my seams are. . and I know it's going to be THAT much more difficult when I go to machine quilt. ;c)
 It was really difficult to cut all my beautiful strings in half! But I did it. .  maybe through a shed tear or two. LOL
 Here are all of my Ohio Star blocks finished!  I used dark browns instead of blacks.
Triangles for my flying geese units:

Also I wanted to show you what I do for each and very quilt I make, that has a block format -   - I started labeling my sewn blocks (rows) with numbers, and arrows a long time ago.  I used to throw the away, but I soon realized that since I use them so often, I could REuse them for each quilt.   They are quickly scribbled on paper, the number and then the direction in which to press my seams.   All odd numbers go one direction, and even numbers go in the OTHER direction.  I attach them in the LEFT/CENTER of the block (away from seams) and pin with a small metal pin.  The tiny metal pins don't get in the way when yo'ure pressing your seams.  BUT, since it's paper, they do have quite a few holes in them at this point, and it's probably time to throw them away and start over.  LOL. .  Maybe I could use fabric this time around, so I won't EVER have to throw them away ;c) 
If you're sewing from a pattern, then often times they will tell you exactly which direction to press your seams.  I sew mostly my own creations now-a-days, so these little numbered/arrowed squares are necessary so I'll have nice butted seams.  Not only that, but when I'm pinning my blocks on the wall, I'm not only looking for block placement, but also color.  In scrap quilts, you don't want a big dark area, or a bunch of similar fabric close together.   If your rows are labeled, you won't have to worry about getting mixed up.  
  Here are all my rows stitched together and hanging on the wall
 I hope to get some borders on this quilt, and have it quilted very soon!


  1. I love the brown in there. Very good contrast and change from Bonnie's original. I saw one in person in Sisters and was shocked at how small the pieces were.

    You must be so proud, IT IS GORGEOUS.

  2. I love seeing the variations of this quilt. I put oranges in with my reds but it didn't really change it much. Yours is an obvious difference. Very nice.

    I went to look at your Royal Crown quilt-beautiful. Where do you get all the bags? I think I like yours the best of the few that I have seen.
